Monday, September 1

BACK TO SCHOOL! High Street Favorites #5

Welcome back!

Can I just say, It's fricking September? W H A T How is that even possible??
I would do anything to be able to say "I go back to school this week", trust me.. growing up isn't all that fun! Instead it's all "urgh I'm in work this week".
So seeing as some of you lucky people are going back this week I thought I'd put together my school essentials for those of you starting college or sixth form, just because most of them allow you to wear your own clothes! Just a quick reminder as well, don't over-do it on the whole 'IM FINALLY ALLOWED TO WEAR MAKEUP TO SCHOOL' thing because trust me, you'll be bored after about 2 days when you're having to wake up like 30/40 minutes earlier just to make yourself look presentable, me personally.. I'd rather spend those precious minutes in bed!

High Waisted Jeans - Miss Guided
Black Boots - River Island
Green Tote Bag - New Look
Black Raglan Top - Topshop
White Slogan Jumper - River Island
Khaki Parker - New Look
Skater Shoes - BooHoo
Black Running Trainers - River Island

Hope you've enjoyed this post and remember school isn't the worst thing in the world haha! Let me know what you're planning on wearing for your return to college or sixth form.

Bye now! xxx

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