Sunday, October 12

The Perfect Winter Boots!

First of all, apologies for the lack of posts recently..
I don't know if any of you can see how excited I am through this post by the amount of capital letters and exclamation points I'll probably be using but I am seriously so happy that the temperatures dropping, the hats and scarfs and coming out and soon.. the Christmas markets will be here! HALLELUJAH :D

My favourite thing to change around autumn/winter is the fashion.. now we all need good sturdy pair of shoes that aren't going to send us flying! And luckily for you all, I've found them in none other than Primark for a good old £15! They are seriously so comfy and also, they give a little bit of height and best of all you can wear them in the day time as well as the night time.. what more could you want? heelllooooo..

I'd say the only bad thing is that they may not be waterproof but who needs dry toes when you've got slipper socks to throw on under them? JOKES. 
So, all joking aside.. I bought them recently so they should still have them in stock!

Happy shopping! Let me know what your go to shoes are for the winter.

Bye now! xxx

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