Sunday, July 27

Birthday Wishlist: Miss Guided!


Seeing as i'm turning 20 on Wednesday I thought I'd do a little post on a few different outfits I've been debating for my birthday and because I've been loving (stalking) miss guided's website recently I thought I'd put together a few little outfits I found on there that I could wear throughout the day as well as the night time!

My first one was this adorable little dress, I saw it and well, it's hard to know what the weather's going to be like next week here in England I mean one minute it's sweltering hot and the next it's raining, what the hell!?!? I also loved the fedora hat the model's wearing on the photo, and because I do love me a good hat I thought mine and this dress would be perfect along with some little boot heels or sandals!

It's so fricking cute & If you fancy purchasing it you can get it here!

So my second look is more for the day time I think (depending on the weather), but paired with some heels I could definitely wear this for the night. The shorts are so pretty and I fell in love with the pattern as soon as I saw them and the scallop hemmed top just goes so well. I bought a black choker online recently as well so I was thinking that along with some sandals & a little pouch bag! 

To buy the shorts you can get them here and the top here!

This third one is probably my favorite outfit out of them all! Seems as I'm getting old(ish) I think this outfit is perfect, it's so vintage looking and classic with a little modern twist on it!

The colors are so summery and pastel is by far one of my favorite color trends this year! The skirt, well I fell in love as soon as I clicked onto it.. how can you not love the color and just everything about it?? I've been looking around for a statement necklace to go with this as well but so far I've had no luck :( 

You can find the skirt here, the top here and the shoes here!

Finally, my last outfit well.. I thought it's definitely a night time one. I was looking at this dress a few weeks ago for a friends birthday but couldn't make my mind up whether I liked it or not. I thought I'd probably look like something from an Austin Powers movie..

Now I know that these type of shoes aren't everybody's cup of tea but I love them, I feel like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex In The City in them & I love it!

You can find the dress here & the shoes here.

Hopefully you've enjoyed this post & by the time that it's my birthday hopefully I would've found an outfit. Keep an eye out for my birthday OOTD which I'll probably be posting on the Weekend!

Thanks for reading <3

Bye now! xxx

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