Thursday, October 23

The Fashion Tag!

These days I'm finding it harder and harder to write posts which aren't going to bore the life out of you and so after a few days of being stuck on what to write for my next post I thought I'd switch it up a little and do a tag post, so I decided on 'the fashion tag' inspired by the beautiful Anna Saccone Joly after I've become obsessed with her blog and youtube channel, which by the waaaaay.. if you haven't read or watched yet, shift your butt because you're missing out on the cutest babies I have EVER seen!
Just a little note - keep an eye out for some new autumn/winter posts coming very very soon, but until then enjoy my edition of the 'fashion tag', here goes..

1. How would you describe your style?
I'd basically say my style changes, I don't have a certain go to style that I adore. One day i'll either be wearing a jumper and some leggings and the next I could be wearing a more smarter outfit strutting round the streets thinking I'm Blair Waldorf, so.. I'd say laid back but also with a hint of Upper East Side style.

2. What are your wardrobe staples?
High waisted jeans, checked shirts, ankle boots, basic tops and a good coat.

3. Most expensive item in your closet?
Probably my 18th birthday dress which I've only ever worn once.. it cost my Mumma a fortune (oops). It was handmade and I just adore everything about it, from the colour to the style to the small detailing!

4. Most wanted item?
I have no words this.. a Chanel 2.55 

5. Favourite designer?
At the moment I loved everything about the Moschino Jeremy Scott's Barbie Collection, especially the mirror phone case!

6. How much do you spend on clothes?
To be honest, I'd love to say not a lot but.. if anybody actually saw my bedroom when I'm trying to find something to wear you'd realize it's actually quite a lot. I have things in my wardrobe still with labels on and still in the packaging, it's quite ridiculous really! I'd probably say around £200 maybe a month around the £300 mark if it's been a good payday haha!

7. What are your favourite places to shop? 
Zara (most definitely), I like to buy most of my clothes from online shops but if I don't manage to find something on there I love Forever 21, Topshop and BANK.

8. Favourite fragrance?
I have a lot, and I mean a lot of different favourites! Narrowing them down it'll have to be, Honey by Marc Jacobs, Daisy by Marc Jacobs, Alien and 'Coconut Passion' by Victoria Secret.

9. What is your favourite way to style your hair?
Either half up/half down or down with some loose waves!

10. What is your go-to outfit when you're stuck on what to wear?
Probably.. a cropped jumper, high waisted jeans and some boots. Perfect for the winter!

11. One fashion trend you wish could back or stay?
'The Twiggy Era' or the 60's, I've seen photos of my Nan from that era and the clothes are so beautiful! Mini skirts, turtle necks, box dresses and beehives, BEAUTIFUL. 

12. Show us your most prized possession in your wardrobe.
My stunningly beautiful coat from Zara, I seriously lost sleep over how much I adored this coat but just couldn't bite the bullet and shell out £100 for it, obviously in the end I caved in and I regret NOTHING, muahahaaha!

Tag me in the post if this has inspired you to do the 'fashion tag'! STAY BEAUTIFUL :)

Bye now! xxx

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