Sunday, November 23

Gift Guide #1: Gifts under £15 for her!

Nothing like a double blog post on a Sunday evening!
Told you all I'd be over-doing it on the Christmas posts this month..
If like me and you're completely and utterly hopeless with finding gifts for your friends then this post will be incredibly helpful (i hope!) Last year I was helped by videos from the lovely Fleur De Force, I literally bought near enough everything I saw on her videos for my mum, dad, sister and some of my friends so maybe, just maybe I could help you lot if you're a bit stuck on what to get! The majority of these I'd class as stocking fillers (mostly for beauty lovers) which to me, I think are so much better than one big present.
BONUS: they're all under £15 so nothing too pricey!

Mini Nivea Treats Bauble - Superdrug
Mushroom Mug - Topshop
Essie Duo Kit - Boots
'The Jolly Lippy Lolly' - The Body Shop
Lipstick Pyramid - Topshop
Revlotuion 144 Eyeshadow Collection - Superdrug
Soap and Glory Bauble - Boots
Zoella Beauty Bag - Feel Unique
MAC Lipstick - MAC
(yes I know they're £15.50 but still, 50 pence can't hurt!)

So there you go. Fingers crossed I've helped a little if any of you were getting a bit stuck on what you can buy for a friend or family member! I know I'd be so happy if I received these as gifts!

Bye now! xxx

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