Sunday, November 23

The Winter TAG!

Am I the only one who wouldn't mind waking up to a view like this on the 25th?
Seeing as it's nearly a whole month.. yes A WHOLE MONTH until Christmas Day I thought I'd get myself in the festive mood and do a little winter tag! 

❄ Top 2 Winter Beauty Essentials
Well I'd have to say a really good hydrating cream for my face, I get awful dry skin in the winter and probably a little pot of cherry Carmex, dry lips are one of my pet hates!

❄ Top 2 Winter Fashion Essentials
Definitely a sturdy pair of boots which aren't going to send me flying on the snow and a woolly over-sized checked scarf, they're so autumnal!

❄ What shoes do you ten to wear the most in winter?
My boots! They're just so comfy and you can get away with wearing a pair of fluffy socks underneath them.

❄ Favourite Winter Accessory?
Probably my beanie with a little fur bobble on top! (little tip - Topshop have got the cutest hats in this year, take a look; I got this one!)

❄ Favourite Winter Nail Polish
Probably a dark red, navy or khaki!

❄ Hot Cocoa or Apple Cider
Definitely hot chocolate with mounds and mounds of whipped cream and marshmallows!!

❄ Favourite Winter Candle
Mmmmm I bought a mulled wine one recently and it just smells amazing!

❄ Have you ever gone ice skating? Are you any good or do you FAIL miserably?
I've only ever been 2 or 3 times but i'll be honest, I kicked ass! I'm yet to fall over but that could definitely change this year aha!

❄ Does it snow where you live?
Sometimes but it's always before or after Christmas so we never normally have a 'white christmas'

❄ Have you ever made a snowman?
'Do you wanna build a snowmannnn..?' haha yes! but mine are always awful, they seem to end up with a head that's bigger than the body!

❄ What holiday do you celebrate?
Christmas Eve Eve, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day! 
Any excuse for a party really..

❄ Favourite Christmas Song?
'Merry Christmas Everyone' by Shaken Stevens!

❄ Favourite Christmas Movie?

❄ What is your favourite Christmas treat?
Probably a selection box! 

❄ If you were to ask Santa for one thing and you were guaranteed to get it, what would it be? (even if you don’t celebrate Christmas)
Realistically a new camera but ANYTHING.. i'd have to say enough money to live in the US and start a career over there!

❄ Do you have anything fun planned for this winter?
Umm considering I'm working non-stop over December I'd say no but I'm hopefully going on holiday just after new years so I'd say that's exciting!

Hope you've enjoyed this tag!
Feel free to do it on your blog  

Bye now! xxx

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